
Interim Recruiter

Relieving the MT

50% growth without agencies

Rocsys is a scale-up that powers clean transportation by making charging autonomous. Through a combination of soft-robotics, AI, computer vision & web technologies, they provide a truly autonomous EV charging experience. Their solutions deliver value in industry, professional fleets, logistics and within the automotive domain.


Initially, the Management Team (MT) and the board were responsible for recruitment. The process involved a weekly recruitment meeting where hiring managers presented various candidates via an Excel spreadsheet. This approach lacked the necessary structure and data insights for optimal decision-making. Additionally, Rocsys relied heavily on external recruitment agencies, contributing to a high cost per hire.

Recognizing the pivotal role of efficient recruitment in their growth journey, Rocsys approached us to leverage our interim recruitment expertise. Our objective was to bring more organization to the process, relieve the MT of recruitment and reduce the cost per hire.

Our commitment

To address these objectives, our interim recruiter implemented an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and created a comprehensive careers website. We then had a kick-off presentation with the MT and the board to establish expectations. We took over all candidate interviews and active sourcing on LinkedIn and the implementation of a referral program further enhanced the recruitment process.

Beyond recruitment, our interim recruiter delved into HR initiatives as well. An Employee Handbook was created on Confluence to document company policies, and a revamped onboarding program using Trello ensured a smooth entry and a clear roadmap for new hires’ first six months.


The results speak volumes. Between June 2022 and December 2023, our interim recruiter successfully hired 25 new colleagues for key positions in both The Netherlands and The USA, leading to Rocsys’s impressive 50% growth. Not only has Rocsys achieved substantial scaling, but it now possesses a robust foundation in recruitment and HR, paving the way for sustained growth in the future.

Crijn Bouman, CEO,  Co-founder: “De Wervingsfabriek has taught us how recruitment works. With their professional approach, thoroughness and knowledge they constructed our recruitment and relieved our management. They focussed on a strategic approach for achieving our goals that the organization has while watching the details as well. ”
Elbér, hiring manager: “Thanks for all the work you have done. On top of all your structure, thanks for adding FUN! to our Recruiting identity.”